Female Fat Free Solution Review And Analysis
I promised all the female fans of Dude Where’s My Muscle to write a complete and thorough Female Fat Free Solution review once the creator Sue Heintze sent me a copy to take a look at. Well, I now have my hands on this weight loss package (thanks Sue) and I have ripped into it from beginning to end to find out all I can about this system and report back to all my female readers.
In this review, I will take you on a journey (sneak peak) through each component of this course, from the main guides, all the way through to the workout training and success tracker. So if you are intrigued about this new weight loss system for women and you want to get the inside scoop into what this program is, what it can offer you, and how it works, then devouring this comprehensive review will be a smart idea! I will also provide a list of both pro’s and con’s to this program so you can get my unique insight into what I liked and disliked about Sue’s program.
Okay, shall we get on with it then?
The Female Fat Free Solution Overview
Okay before I get stuck into this detailed Female Fat Free Solution review, it’s probably worth shining the spotlight over the the head of the creator so we can find out a bit more about the brains behind this weight loss system. First of all, Sue Heintze is a fellow Aussie, just like yours truly She is a 40 year old women who had previously been stuck in the “weight loss maze”. It took her many years until she was able to find her way out and more importantly, discover a system that actually works and could be taught to other women.

The Creator Of Female Fat Free Solution Sue Heintze
In Sue’s words, she is a “Body Transformation Specialist” and it’s her “job” to help women fight the battle against the bulge and come out victorious. She has been transforming the lives of women for over a decade now and has been a regular writer and contributor to all the top health magazines including Oxygen Magazine, Shape Magazine, Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine, and even good old Women’s Weekly (this is a popular Australian magazine that my mum likes to read).
Now with the launch of the Female Fat Free Solution program, Sue is able to bring her knowledge to a worldwide audience and impact the lives of many more women. But with so many weight loss products flooding the market, the question that is on everybody’s lips is “what’s so unique, special or different about this program compared to others?” This was the burning question that was on my mind as I reviewed this material.
Click Here To Take A Look At Sue Heintze’s Female Fat Free Solution
It became clear after reading the introduction of the main guide, that Sue’s method is based on helping women eliminate cellulite, accelerate the body’s metabolism, get rid of stubborn fat (the nasty fat that doesn’t seem to budge from the hips, butts, backs of arms, and thighs of women) and and sculpt the body. This is done through a twelve week approach that combines three unique workout phases, diet and nutrition advice, as well as detailed information about how to reduce toxic build up in the body (which according to Sue is a major reason for cellulite thinking it’s the “big boss” and taking over your body.
The Female Fat Free Solution system has been created to target stubborn fat and cellulite from multiple angles simultaneously. This is not just another weight loss guide that promises the world but ultimately fails to live up to the hype and sky high expectations. It’s crystal clear that Sue is somebody who knows a great deal about the topic of fat loss for women and she is up-to-date with the various techniques, methods, and solutions that will help women to burn fat and banish cellulite from their body once and for all.
Female Fat Free Solution Components (A Sneak Peak For Curious Women)
Okay let me take you down the Female Fat Free Solution “rabbit hole”, so that you can explore this system at a deeper level. This will give you great insight into this program, so that you can gauge whether this is something you would like to invest in learning more about.
Component One – Female Fat Free Solution Diet Guide
The diet guide obviously focuses on the diet element of Sue Heintze’s Female Fat Free Solution program but it also serves as an introduction to Sue, her background story, and how she came up with this breakthrough system. Once this is covered, things start to become very interesting…
According to Sue, through her years of experience both personal and through training thousands of women, she has discovered what she has called “cellulite set points”, which is a useful indicator to help track cellulite levels and manage them. Set points are largely determined by genetic make-up so each women will have cellulite appearing at different body fat percentages. Sue will show you how to find your cellulite set point or the body fat percentage where your cellulite reaps it’s ugly head for the public to see. Then she will show you how to keep your body fat percentage to a level just low enough so that your cellulite will disappear.
The diet Sue will teach you in Female Fat Free Solution is based on eating the right foods, not on eating less foods. There will be some restrictions to how much you eat (as should be the case with any good weight loss system) but the diet approach is largely based on choosing foods that will help your body burn fat, rather than hinder it. If calorie counting makes your mind confused and your blood boil, then you can breathe easy because the Female Fat Free Solution isn’t another calorie counting program!
Instead you will learn to eat foods that are high in alkalinity (rather than being acidic), foods that don’t disrupt the female hormonal system (which many diets are known to do), foods that are full of healthy antioxidants and speed up your fat burning metabolism system. Sue will also reveal 22 “super foods” that fight cellulite and introduce you to the Cell-U-Burn Diet Technique. This “hypey” sounding but effective technique is based on the following four elements:
1.Frequency of eating.
2.Calorie variations.
3.Cleansing and supercharging your system.
4.Targeted training.
This smart system will not only help you lose weight, get rid of stubborn fat, and eliminate cellulite, but it will also help you build health. I have been on an alkaline diet for years now and it’s the best thing I have ever done for my overall health and well-being. But when you combine an alkaline diet with the other elements of the Cell-U-Burn Diet Technique, it makes sense why Sue has had such a high level of success helping women attain their ideal body quickly and easily.
The diet is broken down into three different phases. There are cleanse, detox and balance days, also known as (CBD). Sculpt and burn days (SBD). And there are splurge days (SD). Each phase is designed to do different things. For many women I can imagine the splurge day will be their favorite. This is the equivalent of a “cheat day” where you can eat whatever you want on this day. This is a perfect way to settle any cravings that you may have had during the week. The beauty of a splurge day is that you can eat whatever you damn please. If you want pizza, go for it. Some ice cream. Why not? How about hitting the bakery? Nobody is stopping you!
Click Here To Check Out The Female Fat Free Solution Program
The diet component of Female Fat Free Solution is extremely detailed, comprehensive and extremely well put together. Sue will give you detailed recipe plans, food lists, supplements you can take (optional), shopping lists, example meal plans, and she will even give you a technique that you can do with a brush to further help in getting rid of cellulite. It takes a total of 10 minutes a day and from my research the results are powerful.
Component Two – Female Fat Free Solution Training Program
The workout and raining guide opens by giving an introduction to the workout system and what outcomes you should expect to achieve by following this 12 weeks program. Sue talks about her unique system called the Cell-U-Burn workout, which has been designed to be “public enemy number one” to fat cells. The aim of the workout is to get rid of stubborn body fat by first breaking down and mobilizing it from the cells into your bloodstream, then once the targeted fat has been released from the cells into the bloodstream, additional techniques are used to burn it. According to Sue, the burning part is essential and if it is not done properly, then the fat will go right back to hiding in the cells again.
The workouts are a combination of cardio (high intensity interval training or HITT) and resistance training. I know personally from my own training that combining both HITT and resistance workouts together is key to burning fat and keeping it off long term. The workouts can be done at home with only a few pieces of equipment such as free weights (barbell, dumbbells, and plates) and a stability ball (Swiss Ball). So these workouts can be done with ease both at home or at a commercial gym.
There are three phases in the 12 workout program which are the following:
Activation Phase – Week 1 to 3
Sculpting Phase – Week 4 to 8
Acceleration Phase – Week 9 to 12
For best results, Sue recommends you dedicate roughly five hours per week to complete five sessions of the Cell-U-Burn workouts. Each workout will go for an estimated time of 60 minutes or under and be will need to be done five times per week. To break this down even further so you understand what you will be doing during these five dedicated sessions, three of these sessions will be resistance training workouts and the remainder two sessions will be focused on High Intensity Interval Training and also what Sue has named the Fat Finishing cardio workout.
Each workout session will begin with a warm up called the Gorgeous Glutes (butt) routine, then you will start the specific workout phase that you are on. Once you have finished the workout, then you will perform a 10 minute cool down routine and you are done for the day.
The bulk of the 100+ workout training guide outlines what exercises are contained within each phase, the set/rep scheme, step by step information about how to optimally perform the exercise, and pictures of Sue Heintze demonstrating how each exercise is done so you get a visual representation.
Component Three – Female Fat Free Solution Quick Start Guide
This 30 page guide will simplify the entire fat loss system for you. The first two components, the diet guide and training program are a combination of both theory and practical implementation. This quick start guide is designed to help you take action. It’s light on theory and heavy on helping your know exactly what phase you need to be doing, the foods you should be eating (this is very flexible), portions of the super foods, and step by step recipes.
It would be a wise move to print this guide out (or just the specific areas) so that you can record your intake of foods in the meal tracker section. This will help you manage your body weight and track what is working and what is not so that you can stay on track and continue to make progress in the direction of fat burning.
Component Four – Female Fat Free Solution Pre Program Checklist
Getting organized is the key to being able to successfully start and consistently follow a weight loss system. Sue has assembled all the elements of the Female Fat Free Solution into one simplified system by providing a checklist.
This will walk you through everything that is needed to get the most from using this course. It’s worth printing this checklist and then going through it before you start the workout and diet.
Once you have ticked the pre program boxes, you can get started with the first phase of both the workout and the diet.
Component Five – Female Fat Free Solution Success Tracker
This 23 page guide will help ensure that you are successful while you are following this system. It includes inspirational tips, advice, and techniques from Sue. There is a chapter dedicated to showing you how to easily measure your body composition and a free calculator to help make the process quick and easy.
A section is also included to record your overall results, a place to write down your goals so that you can stay focused on the “prize” (a slim, sexy, cellulite free body), and a technique to help you stay motivated on a daily level. This is a super simple but highly effective exercise to keep your motivational juices flowing freely on a daily basis, while helping you to remain focused on what you want to create.
Component Six – Female Fat Free Solution Workout Sheets
Every phase of the workouts (Acceleration Phase, Activation Phase, and Sculpting Phase) are contained with the workout sheets. These sheets make it super simple to know what exercises you will need to perform for each phase, how many sets, reps, and the timing of the rest periods. Sue demonstrates each exercise via detailed images.
Click Here To Check Out The Female Fat Free Solution
Each workout sheet also contains any helpful tips and tricks that will help make the training more effective and efficient. These workout sheets can either be printed off and taken with you to the gym or you can view them on your computer and use them as a reference or a refresher before you do your workout.
Female Fat Free Solution Pro’s
- Comprehensive And Detailed – I am very pleased with the way Sue Heintze has organized this huge mass of weight loss information into one comprehensive and detailed package. The theory did not go over my head and make perfect sense. Most of the statements Sue makes is backed up with research and supporting information. But where this program truly shines is how practical the system is. It’s super easy to follow, the instructions are clear and to the point, and Sue definitely knows how to motivate people to follow through with what they learn.
- Smart Diet System – I like the idea of breaking down the diet into three different phases. This not only adds a bit of variety to the diet but will also make it enjoyable to follow. Different effects will be also be achieved during the various phases, whether it’s the cleanse, detox and balance days (CBD) or the sculpt and burn days (SBD). Oh, and including the splurge days (SD) is a fantastic idea. I couldn’t live without my once a week cheat day so I can appreciate the value of including this into the system to make it even easier to follow.
- Powerful Fat Burning Combo – Diet and exercise are powerful components to any weight loss and fat burning program. If you want to get serious results, seriously fast, then you must follow a program that combines both of these elements. What I liked about the Female Fat Free Solution program is that the exercise and diet phases are connected together in a way so that as a whole they are more powerful than if they were isolated from each other. All three phases of both the diet and exercise components are very powerful and been put together with great care.
- Covers All Bases – There is more to losing weight and cellulite than just keeping calorie intake low. By focusing on introducing fat burning foods into the diet, while learning how to balance hormones that can contribute to excessive cellulite, and also lowering the toxicity of the body, Sue’s approach to fat burning covers pretty much all bases and angles that will help women to achieve their desired body shape (while getting rid of cellulite).
Female Fat Free Solution Con’s
No Video’s– The only thing I did not like about the Female Fat Free Solution course is that there are no video’s included to demonstrate each exercise. This would definitely be of value to women who are newbies to resistance training and the specific fat burning routine that Sue recommends. But having said that, the step by step diagrams are excellent and do have detailed instructions but I do wish that Sue would have also included video’s. This would have made the entire system that little bit more powerful.
Female Fat Free Solution Review Conclusion
Overall, I am very happy to recommend Sue Heintze’s program to burn fat and eliminate cellulite. It is a massive and comprehensive system but is also simplified through the additional quick start guides and checklists. Sue is definitely experienced in the field of weight loss for women and this is proven by the high quality course she has created. So if you are a women (obviously) and you want to lose weight, banish cellulite, and get healthy, then I recommend taking a closer look at this unique method.
I hope you enjoyed this detailed Female Fat Free Solution review and you have found value in reading this
Click Here To Check Out Female Fat Free Solution
Thanks for reading this review,