I am always shocked to know that I have female readers who are fans of this blog that is mainly aimed at men. So today, I have just completed an epic review of Sue Heintze’s Female Fat Free Solution. A few female readers had contacted me a few months ago and asked me if I could review this female weight loss system before it was set to be released in March. Well I have done just that. Sue send me over a review copy yesterday and today I had a few hours to fully review the system and report back my thoughts about it.
So sorry guys but this one is not for you!
For any of the female readers of Dude Where’s My Muscle, shoot over and read the review by going to the Female Fat Free Solution review.
Check it out when you have a minute,

Thank you for writing up a review on this. I’m sure your female readers will love Sue Heintze’s weight loss system.
Yes it’s truly a unique system. Sue Heintze has done a damn good job creating this system. I take my hat off to her.